#5 – Psychedelic Buddhism: How to Quit Suffering w/ Andras Lenart
4 years ago

Show Notes
Today's guest Andras Lenart works in health policy in the BC government. He also helps support compassionate access to psychedelic medicine through his work with TheraPsil. https://www.linkedin.com/in/andras-lenart/?originalSubdomain=ca
The Psychedelic Society Online Meetup, on Feb 27th, 2021. Registration is free https://www.meetup.com/the-psychedelic-society-meetup/events/275977939/?action=rsvp&response=yes
Resources Mentioned:
- 5:00 Already Free, by Bruce Tift. An absolute must read for anyone interested in the intersection between Buddhism and Western Psychology or therapy. https://tinyurl.com/Already-Free-Goodreads
- 9:25 Stanford professor of Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman on Neural Plasticity, including a section at the beginning on how early childhood experiences have profound effects. https://tinyurl.com/Andrew-Huberman-Podcast
- 15:55 Be Like Water, Bruce Lee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJMwBwFj5nQ
- 20:00 Gil Fronsdal, Audio Dharma, amazing online buddhist teacher. I'd recommend starting with the following introduction serieshttps://audiodharma.org/series/1/talk/1762/
- 20:30 Theravada Buddhism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theravada
- 20:45 Thoughts Without A Thinker, by Mark Epstein. One of the first attempts by a modern Westerner to explain what Buddhism is (that's the first part and the part I got the most value out of) and also to explore the similarities and differences of buddhism and freudian psychology. That later half I think is a bit dated and filled with faulty assumptions or assertions about how the brain or souls work.
- 21:56 Main Claim of Buddhism: Desire is the source of all suffering. If you wish to end suffering, practice bare (simple) attention and mindfulness. See Thoughts Without A Thinker for more
- 40:22 Andrew Feldmar on Entheogens & Radical Psychotherapy. We're referring to his "anti-intention" approach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seLZYIpqEw0
- 42:30 Gabor mate intention setting https://tim.blog/2018/06/04/the-tim-ferriss-show-transcripts-dr-gabor-mate/
- 49:43 How do psychedelics help buddhist practice? "Drugs And The Meaning Of Life", by Sam Harris https://samharris.org/podcasts/drugs-and-the-meaning-of-life/
- 49:55 Sasquatch Music Festival https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sasquatch!_Music_Festival
- 56:24 Aren't Buddhist supposed to avoid drugs?
- 59:20 Connected wisdom teachings of buddhism, aka the eightfold path wiki article https://tinyurl.com/Wiki8FoldPath
- 1:03:42 Right vs. Wrong, is there good and bad? See Doing What's Beautiful, by Gil Fronsdal. https://www.audiodharma.org/talks/audio_player/10681.html
- 1:04:07 10 points to Gryffindor, on the arbitrary scoring of moral actions. Know your memes https://tinyurl.com/19mjhs95
- 1:10:25 Somatic or Embodied Experiencing, https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/types/somatic-psychotherapy
- 1:23:40 Buddhism as the 3rd Path or Middle Way, between aversion or craving
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