#9 – Nature Connection and Mentoring w/ Stephanie MacKay

Show Notes
Stephanie MacKay, founder of Fianna Wilderness School - https://fianna.ca/
This conversation is an exploration of nature based mentorship! We focus on the reasons someone might want to participate in a nature school and explore take aways that can help folks learn wherever they are in life.
Here are timestamps for the episode with references mentioned.
(00:00) Highlight
(00:40) Intro
(02:00) Welcoming Exercise
(09:03) – What is Nature Connection and Wilderness School?
Wilderness Awareness School: https://www.wildernessawareness.org/
Forest Schools: https://forestschoolassociation.org/what-is-forest-school/
(16:01) – A typical day at Wilderness School
(24:56) – Mentorship
(31:05) – Public school systems connection to factories
Sir Ken Robinson Ted Talk on Education: https://youtu.be/zDZFcDGpL4U?t=13
Factory model school wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_model_school
(34:15) – Field guides, resources for learning about nature
(36:28) – Coyote Mentoring super power for learning and teaching
(46:10) – Wilderness Awareness School, Duvall Washington: https://www.wildernessawareness.org/
(47:02) – 3 Tools for mentoring: Trickster, Questioning and Didactic
(48:00) – Art of Questioning
Jon Young: https://www.jonyoung.online/
(50:11) Lasting lessons and the Google Effect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_effect
(55:22) – Shine Edgar Quote: https://rupert-radio.pinecast.co/episode/2e64a1b6/sound-healing-music-medicine-and-more-w-shine-edgar
(56:44) – The value of risk
(1:05:30) – Rights of passage and Initiation
(1:15:20) – Sit Spot, aka the shortcut to nature connection
(1:29:55) – Liminal spaces
Thanks for tuning in!
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